Impact of Social Media on Marketing


  • Dr. Ramesh Kumar Associate professor department of commerce & CDC Haridwar Lal Goyal Government College Tauru ( NUH)


Social Media, Marketing, Facebook, Google, Twitter


The world of Marketing has undergone unimaginable changes in the last century. The level of transformation marketing practices, tools and techniques have undergone, is beyond one's wildest imagination. A market, in a traditional economy, was only confined to a physical place with many limitations of place, time and utility. The era of globalization has ensured that the world market is shrunk to the size of human palm as all the markets are accessible with the touch of our fingertips. Evidently, social media which started off as a platform for human interaction, now has been developed into a platform that can effectively be used for brand positioning, advertising and many others aspects of marketing management. For any business, it is imperative to keep up with the advancements taking place in the world of Marketing and marketing tools. This paper is an attempt at presenting one of the most relevant trends in marketing.


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How to Cite

Dr. Ramesh Kumar. (2019). Impact of Social Media on Marketing. Innovative Research Thoughts, 5(2), 47–54. Retrieved from


