Privacy Statement

The INNOVATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS (IRT) value the privacy and personal information of its authors, readers, and website users. This Privacy Statement defines how we gather, use, and protect personal information.

1. Information Collection: IRT may collect personal information such as names, email addresses, institutional affiliations, and contact details. This information is typically gathered during the manuscript submission process, user registration, or as part of communication with the journal.

2. Purpose of Collection: Personal information is collected to manage manuscript submissions, facilitate peer review, communicate with writers and readers, and conduct other editorial tasks. It may also be utilised for internal statistical analysis in order to enhance the journal's services.

3. Data Protection: IRT takes reasonable precautions to protect the personal information we collect from abuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification, and disclosure. This involves the deployment of secure databases and encryption technologies as needed.

4. Data Sharing: Personal information will not be shared with third parties except as necessary for the fulfilment of journal-related activities (e.g., with peer reviewers or publishing partners) or as required by law. Any third-party partners will be obliged to follow comparable security measures to protect data.

5. Access and Correction: Individuals have the right to access and correct their personal information held by the journal. Requests for access or correction can be made via the contact information provided on our website.

6. Cookies and Web Analytics: Our website may use cookies and web analytics tools to improve user experience, evaluate website activity, and improve our site's content and offerings. Users may usually modify cookie settings via their web browser.

7. External Links: The IRT website may include connections to other websites. We are not responsible for such websites' privacy policies or content.

8. Consent: Individuals who use our website and submit personal information consent to the collection, use, and dissemination of the information in accordance with our Privacy Statement.

9. Changes to the Privacy Statement: IRT maintains the right to amend this Privacy Statement at any time. We will update our website to reflect any such changes.

10. Contact Information: Any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Statement or the handling of personal information can be directed to the contact information provided on our website.