License Terms

The INNOVATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS(IRT) adheres to the principles of Open Access publishing and employs the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial (CC BY-NC) license for all its published works. This licensing choice reflects our commitment to promoting free and unrestricted access to scholarly research while respecting the rights of authors and creators.

1. Attribution (BY): Users must give proper acknowledgment to the original author(s) and the IRT, include a link to the licence, and identify if any changes were made. The credit should not imply that the authors or the IRT approve the user or their usage of the material.

2. Non-Commercial (NC): The work may not be used for commercial purposes. This means that users are not permitted to sell or commercially exploit the material. The intention is to keep the material freely available for educational, research, and other non-commercial purposes.

3. Copyright Holder: The copyright of articles published in the IRT is retained by the journal. Authors grant the IRT a royalty-free license to publish, distribute, and display the article, while maintaining their rights to be recognized as the author.

4. Reuse and Distribution: The CC BY-NC licence allows users to reproduce, distribute, exhibit, and perform the work, as well as create derivative works based on it, as long as they follow the attribution and non-commercial usage requirements.

5. Authorship Integrity: Authors who publish with the IRT agree to respect the integrity of the original work and provide proper attribution to prior works if used.

6. No Additional Restrictions: Users may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

7. Responsibility of Users: While the CC BY-NC licence makes it easier to utilise published content, users must ensure that any subsequent use of the work complies with the licence conditions and any applicable laws.

This licensing framework is designed to maximize the reach and impact of the work published in the IRT, fostering a spirit of open collaboration and knowledge.