Right to Education Act (2009): Base of the education system


  • Manoj Research Scholar Dept. of Public Administration Kurukshetra University Kurkshetra


Right to Education, Elementary Education


The idea of a Common School System is as old as Kothari Commission. Kothari Commission or Indian Education Commission, 1964-66 emphasized on the expansion of educational institutions broadly with an accent on equalization of educational opportunities. The committee had recommended education to people of all straits of society and envisaged a Common School System of public education. A recent trend of double standard of education is alarming. The students from government schools are in no way at par with the students from private educational institutions and international schools. The government schools in India remain as an instrument of job security for teachers and peons rather than an accessory to quality education. The campaigning of government teachers at the time of admission as well as inspection irrespective of the lack of infrastructure and other amenities clearly depicts the existing scenario.


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How to Cite

Manoj. (2018). Right to Education Act (2009): Base of the education system. Innovative Research Thoughts, 4(6), 51–56. Retrieved from https://irt.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/952