Study about Euthanasia, and comparative study between Active vs. Passive and Voluntary vs Involuntary
Euthanasia, Active, passiveAbstract
Euthanasia’ is a Greek word Vouthanazia.1 It is a combination of two words eu-good and thanatos-death, means ‘to die well’. Thus Euthanasia is defined as the ‘termination of human life by painless means for the purpose of ending physical suffering2. It means situation when a doctor induces death with a lethal injection, of a patient who is suffering unrelievably & has persistently requested doctor to do so.3
The Netherlands is only country in world where euthanasia is openly practiced. It is not specifically allowed by statute, but Dutch law accepts a standard defense from doctors who have adhered to official guidelines. These guidelines hinge on voluntariness of request & unrelievable-ness of suffering. Euthanasia & assisted suicide are defined by State Commission on Euthanasia. Euthanasia is intentional termination of life by somebody other than person concerned at his or her request. Assisted suicide means intentionally helping a patient to terminate his or her life at his or her request.
th Century Encyclopedia
Supra note 14, page no 11
Derek Humphry ,Definitions of Euthanasia, (19 january 2006)
Kavita Rai, Need of Law Relating to Euthanasia in India, Bharti Law Review, 2013, volume 1, issue 4, april-june, 152
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