The relationship between personality traits and academic performance


  • Rinki


Personality traits, Big Five personality traits


Academic performance is a crucial consequence in the educational system, and it is influenced by a wide variety of elements, such as cognitive capacity, motivation, and work put in. It is also believed that characteristics of one's personality have a substantial effect in academic achievement. Within the context of college students, this investigation investigates the association between personality characteristics and academic success. We used self-report questionnaires to conduct a cross-sectional research with 500 college students to evaluate the Big Five personality characteristics (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism) as well as academic achievement (GPA). We discovered that some of the Big Five personality characteristics are significantly correlated with one another, as well as academic success. Students who tended to be more organised, disciplined, and dependable had a tendency to have better grade point averages; this was supported by the finding that conscientiousness had a positive correlation with academic success. “Academic performance was also shown to have a positive correlation with openness, which suggests that students who were more inquisitive, innovative, and creative tended to have a tendency to have better GPAs.


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How to Cite

Rinki. (2018). The relationship between personality traits and academic performance. Innovative Research Thoughts, 4(4), 484–489. Retrieved from