Classification of Data Structure: A Review


  • Singh A Assistant Professor in Computer Science, AIJHM College, Rohtak,


Data Structures, Information Retrieval


Data has always been and is becoming a resource that needs to be judiciously used and shared for the benefit of the organizations and institutions. More than ever, there is a massive data sharing these days with the increasing technological updates and social networking sites. The processed data is called as information and the task of finding them from the existing repository are called as information retrieval. Information retrieval is an area of research actively involving multiple domains of computer science. Information retrieval exploits many of the fundamental concepts of computer science and is used as a tool in various advanced research areas of computer science. For an example, the field of text mining uses information retrieval as a first step for before applying other mining operations.


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How to Cite

Singh, A. (2018). Classification of Data Structure: A Review. Innovative Research Thoughts, 4(4), 222–226. Retrieved from