Road Safety & Various Causes of Accident : A Review


  • Wani A Department of civil engineering.




Road safety is one of the most important problems in our society. Every year 1.2 million of people are killed and between 20 and 50 million people are injured in road accidents. If current trends continue road traffic accidents are predicted to be third leading contributor to the global burden of Disease and injury by 2020(Torregrosa et al.,2012) The vehicle population has been steadily increasing because of change in the style of living of people. Increase in vehicle population with limited road space used by a large variety of vehicles has heightened the need and urgency for a well thought-out policy on the issue of road safety. In India the rate of accident is directly proportional to growth of vehicle population.


Global Road Safety Partnership Annual Report (2011)

Torregrosa et al.,(2012) New geometric design consistency model based on operating speed

Profiles for road safety evaluation, Accident Analysis and Prevention Article .

Sivakumar, .Krishnaraj(2012),Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) Due To Drunken Driving In

India, Challenges In Prevention international journal of research in management and

Technology,IIT Madras

Accidental deaths in india(2011), National Crime Records Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India,New Delhi




How to Cite

wani, A. yousuf. (2018). Road Safety & Various Causes of Accident : A Review. Innovative Research Thoughts, 4(4), 153–156. Retrieved from