Use of Roof Materials in Broad Region in Rural India: A Regional Analysis


  • Seema Assistant Professor. Guest Faculty, Dept. of Geography, Jat College, Rohtak


Concrete, Roof materials


The environmental and economic conditions of the people are reflected in the use of building materials. Generally, the houses in a rural set up are built by using materials available locally. The use of roof materials differs significantly due to physiographic and climatic conditions of the region in India. In the present research work an attempt has been made to examine the dominant materials used in roofs in rural India. The district wise 2011 census household data has been used. Census of India has classified roof materials used for residential houses into nine types like, Grass /Thatch/ Bamboo\wood\mud etc., Plastic/Polythene, Handmade tiles, Machine made tiles, Burnt Brick, Stone\ slate, GI/Metal \Asbestos sheets, Concrete and Other materials in rural India


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How to Cite

Seema. (2018). Use of Roof Materials in Broad Region in Rural India: A Regional Analysis. Innovative Research Thoughts, 4(4), 28–36. Retrieved from