Study About Allergy, Its Mechanism And Age, Structure, Function And Manifestation Of Disease


  • Arya A B.H.M .S , M D Research Scholar
  • Sharma P M.D Homoeo , Anatomy , Ph.d. Medical Anatomy, Director Academic & Researchers at Tantia university


Allergy, Respiratory Disorders


Allergic respiratory disorders - is a hypersensitivity reaction at the level of respiratory system. Classically the term "Hypersensitivity" \ "Hyper-responsiveness" \ "Allergy" is coined by Von Pirquet (1906). Allergy may be considered as immunologicaly mediated disease of man directed at unidentified exogenous or endogenous antigens. It is one of the most common illnesses affecting the mankind especially in urban area. It is precipitated by air pollution, food adulteration, and stress of modern living and by some individual unknown factors.


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How to Cite

Arya, A., & Sharma, P. (2018). Study About Allergy, Its Mechanism And Age, Structure, Function And Manifestation Of Disease. Innovative Research Thoughts, 4(4), 13–18. Retrieved from