To measure the consumer awareness and adoption level regarding green products


  • Komal Jindal Research Scholar, Baba Mastnath University, Rohtak.
  • Dr. Komal Rani Assistant Professor, Baba Mastnath University, Rohtak.


Sustainability, Consumer Awareness, Green Products, Eco-consciousness


It is essential to measure the levels of consumer awareness and uptake about green goods in order to have a comprehensive picture of the landscape of sustainability and to make educated choices on the part of companies and governments. This procedure calls for a strategy that makes use of a variety of methodologies, including qualitative and quantitative approaches. To investigate the opinions, attitudes, and motives of customers with regard to environmentally friendly goods, qualitative research techniques such as surveys, focus groups, and in-depth interviews may be used. The fundamental elements that influence their decision-making processes may be uncovered via the use of these methodologies. On the other hand, quantitative approaches entail the collecting of numerical data via extensive surveys and market research. These types of surveys may be rather substantial. These surveys may be used to determine the general level of knowledge among customers, monitor changes over time, and identify demographic groups or geographic areas with a higher propensity to embrace environmentally friendly products. It is essential to take into consideration the many different aspects of consumer awareness and adoption in order to have a full knowledge. Awareness of eco-labels and certifications, willingness to pay a premium for sustainable items, frequency of purchases of environmentally friendly products, and the factors that led to such decisions are some examples of the factors that might fall under this category. By analysing this data, firms may be able to better adapt their marketing efforts, produce goods that are more environmentally friendly, and contribute to a society that is more environmentally aware. It gives politicians the ability to establish effective rules and incentives that encourage more sustainable consumption habits. Tracking progress toward a more environmentally aware customer base and a greener, more sustainable future requires routinely monitoring and assessing these measures. This is a crucial component of the tracking process.


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How to Cite

Komal Jindal, & Dr. Komal Rani. (2024). To measure the consumer awareness and adoption level regarding green products. Innovative Research Thoughts, 10(1), 38–42. Retrieved from