To analyze the factors influencing green marketing in Haryana


  • Bhawana Research Scholar, Baba Mastnath University, Rohtak
  • Prof. Ramesh Kumar Garg Baba Mastnath University, Rohtak.


Green Marketing, Environmental Consciousness, Government Policies, Sustainable Practices


Haryana's distinct socioeconomic and environmental context calls for a holistic analysis of the issues impacting green marketing there. The first major factor is the increasing eco-awareness of customers. The growing environmental consciousness in Haryana's major cities has increased the demand for sustainable goods and services. Government rules and policies also have a major role. Many Indian states, like Haryana, have enacted legislation that encourage sustainable practises and provide financial incentives for green activities, which have an impact on green marketing techniques used by firms. Haryana's green marketing dynamics are influenced by the state's agricultural past. The state's thriving agriculture industry calls for environmentally responsible farming methods. Green marketing tactics are very important for the industrial and manufacturing sectors in Haryana, especially in areas like Gurgaon, where they are under investigation for their environmental effect. Green marketing decisions are also impacted by the availability of renewable resources like solar electricity. Haryana's consumer tastes and economic levels are crucial factors. While more people are becoming aware of the benefits of eco-friendly goods, many worry about how they will be able to buy them. Businesses' eco-friendly advertising methods should reflect the purchasing power of their customers. Haryana's green marketing initiatives will benefit from more cooperation and partnership among enterprises, government agencies, and NGOs. The effectiveness of green marketing strategies in a state may be affected by collaborative efforts that promote sustainable practises and encourage a culture of responsible consumption. In conclusion, a thorough awareness of Haryana's distinct socio-economic and environmental dynamics, together with a dedication to sustainable practises and consumer education, is essential for studying the elements driving green marketing in the state.


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How to Cite

Bhawana, & Prof. Ramesh Kumar Garg. (2024). To analyze the factors influencing green marketing in Haryana. Innovative Research Thoughts, 10(1), 29–37. Retrieved from