Study on Consumer Perception and Behaviour on Herbal Textiles


  • Arora H Associate Professor, Department of Fashion Technology, BPSMV, Khanpur kalan, Sonepat, India
  • Kalpana C Research Scholar, Department of Fashion Technology, BPSMV, Khanpur kalan, Sonepat, India


Behaviour, Consumer, Herbal textiles, Natural, Perception


Natural products market has seen tremendous growth in the last few years. It results in the number of proprietary herbal products with single as well as multi-component formulations. Due to increasing consumer dissatisfaction with conventional textiles and increasing environmental concerns about intensive production processes in the last few years, consumer behaviour towards organic and herbal textiles has attracted growing research attention. In response, there has been a dramatic growth in the sales of this sector across the world. Understanding behaviour of consumers towards herbal textiles is a key to success of herbal textiles business. Therefore this research work aims to study the perception and behaviour of consumers on herbal textile products and also the consumer awareness regarding this sector.


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How to Cite

Arora, H. P., & Chhichholia, K. (2016). Study on Consumer Perception and Behaviour on Herbal Textiles. Innovative Research Thoughts, 2(1), 1–9. Retrieved from