Investigating Role of Blockchain in Making your Greetings Valuable
level of popularity, Furthermore, limited availabilityAbstract
Current study is mostly focused on the exploration of the role of blockchain technology in enhancing the value of greetings. To accomplish this goal, renowned blockchain-based greetings NFTs from Opensea and Young Parrot have been taken into account. The welcome non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are built upon the Matic and Core blockchain networks. In order to get insight into the key determinants that significantly impact the demand for blockchain-based NFTs used for greetings, a comprehensive survey was undertaken including all facets of this burgeoning phenomenon. Extensive research has been undertaken to enhance comprehension of the determinants that propel the demand for NFTs based on blockchain technology within the domain of greetings. The factors under consideration include the pricing, overall quantity, use case, and popularity of NFTs. A survey was conducted on Twitter, using a sample size of 525 individuals. Based on the findings of the conducted study, it can be deduced that the primary determinant of the value attributed to greetings is their level of popularity. Furthermore, it has been observed that the Love Emogie have a restricted availability. The limited availability of just 43 Love Emojie has contributed to the heightened demand for NFTs owing to their inherent scarcity. However, it is also noted that pricing and use case have a substantial influence.
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