Effect of Television Viewing on Values of School Students in relation to Types of Television Programmes.
standardized questionnaire, study's sample, insight into the valuesAbstract
Nearly everyone in western affluent countries like India has access to television. Even while television is very popular, there are legitimate worries about the effects it has on young people. Both good and evil things may be done with it. As television offers a complete sensory experience, some experts claim that viewing TV results in a decrease in mental effort and a shallow processing of information. Given that they are helpless and susceptible to this influence, children must be protected for the benefit of their future. This study thus provides insight into the values that teenagers who watch television in grades 8 through 12 perceive. A standardized questionnaire designed by Dr. R.K. Ojha was used to collect value-related data. There were 250 students in the study's sample, 125 of whom were male and 125 of whom were female.
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