Influence of Television Viewing on Values of School Students in relation to Gender and locale
political value, female children, sample of the studyAbstract
Exposure to television is almost universal in India and other western industrialized nations. Although the popularity of television is widespread, there is good reason to be concerned about its effect on children and youths. It has as much potential for good as for ill. Some experts argue that because television presents a complete date to the senses in heavy does it encourages reduced mental efforts and shallow information processing. Children because of their status as potential victims, helpless before this influence, must be protected for the sake of their future. So this study throws light on the effect of Television Viewing on values of school students who are studying in grade 8 to grade 12. The data related to values was collected from questionnaire standardized by Dr. R.K.Ojha. The sample of the study included 250 school students out of which 125 are male students and 125 are female students. It was found that is no significant difference on values between the children (T.V. viewers) who belong to rural area and the children (T.V. viewers) who belong to urban area. So, rural. T.V. viewers and urban T.V. viewers are similar on values. Also the male children (T.V. viewers) are higher on theoretical value (.02 level) and political value (,05 value) than that of the female children (T.V. viewers)
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