
  • Dr. Sunil Garg Assistant Professor of English Shri Kapil Muni Govt College for Women,KAITHAL


Indo-Anglian novelists, moral elevation of the people, philosophized and idealized


Nationalism is a weapon for a dominated community to fight with the foreign rule of an imperialist country. The concept of Nationalism was born in the eighteenth century during the French Revolution in the European continent as adoration of collective power. India was a conglomeration of diverse states and principalities where there lived various peoples of different races and religions, castes and sub castes speaking a number of languages and dialects. By 1875, the seeds of nationalism sown by the British rule itself had germinated in the soil of India, and the erstwhile geographical term had acquired a new meaning and a new significance.
The main Indian Freedom struggle began under the leadership of M.K. Gandhi. Gandhi and his followers also wanted Purna Swaraj or complete freedom from British rule through non-violent passive resistance like Tilak and others of the earlier phase. The two phases are not very distinct from each other and can be treated as one. Gandhi differed from Tilak in the sense that he insisted more on moral elevation of the people of India for winning freedom than Tilak had done. Non-violence was Gandhi‘s weapon for winning freedom as it was for the earlier leaders. But to it, he added a new meaning and a new significance. He philosophized and idealized these and other allied terms to the farthest possible extent.
Bhabani Bhattacharya is one of the Indo-Anglian novelists and short story writers of the period who were witness to dramatic events of the period and had felt the spirit of those times in their own veins have depicted these movements in their writings.


Bhabani Bhattacharya, So Many Hungers, Hind Kitabs Limited, Bombay, 1947

Bhabani Bhattacharya, He Who Rides a Tiger: Jaico Publishing House, Bombay, 1955.

K. R. Chandrasekharan, Bhabani Bhattacharya, Arnold Heinemann, New Delhi, 1974.

Bhabani Bhattacharya, Goddess Named Gold. Hind Pocket Books Ltd., Delhi, 1967.

Bhattacharya, Shadow from Ldakh, Hind Pocket Books Ltd., Delhi, 1966.

Indian Writing in English, K. R. Srinivas Iyengar: Asia Publishing House, Bombay, 1962.

Bhabani Bhattacharya: His Vision and Themes, K. K. Sharma: Abhinav Publications, 1979.

Perspectives on Bhabani Bhattacharya,R. K. Srivastava: Ghaziabad, Vimal Prakashan,1981.




How to Cite

Dr. Sunil Garg. (2023). NATIONALISTIC CONSCIOUSNESS AND GANDHIAN PRINCIPALS IN THE NOVELS OF BHABANI BHATTACHARYA. Innovative Research Thoughts, 9(1), 343–346. Retrieved from