Developmental Projects, Displacement and Rehabilitation


  • Dr. Vijay Kumar Assistant Professor, Deptt of Geography Mohta PG College, Rajgarh (CHURU) Rajasthan


Developmental, Projects, Displacement and Rehabilitation, framework


Large-scale development projects, such as dams, reservoirs, power plants, highways, plantations, urban redevelopment, and oil, gas, and mining projects, result in the forced relocation and resettlement of millions of people every year throughout the world. The acronym "DIDR" stands for "displacement and resettlement due to development." Inevitably, with progress comes collateral damage. As a nation progresses, it inevitably sacrifices something or someone. In the framework of development projects, the property on which a community formerly lived is acquired by the developer, who then has complete jurisdiction over the site. Wildlife reintroduction and the establishment of biodiversity zones are only two examples of conservation initiatives that displace locals.


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How to Cite

Dr. Vijay Kumar. (2023). Developmental Projects, Displacement and Rehabilitation. Innovative Research Thoughts, 9(1), 25–31. Retrieved from