Increasing of Urban Slum Area: A case study of Rohtak in Haryana


  • Anubandh




This research paper regarding Increasing of Urban slum area in Haryana. The rapid growth of urbanization has been a worldwide phenomenon in the twentieth century and it is an extremely new phenomenon in human history. The term ‘Urbanization’ what is generally understood, is the increasing proportion of total population, living in urban areas sociologically. However, another meaning is understood, which is the spread of urbanization or urban way of people. In economic terms, it is increasing proportion of people depending on non-agricultural activities on the urban sector of the occupational pattern. Urbanization is a complex process but often regarded as the vehicle of a society towards in industrial and technological enrichment and this is a necessary epitome of a society. Urbanization is one of the major social changes sweeping the globe especially in developing countries, where urban growth rates are the most intense. Majority of the world will be setting home to most of human society.


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How to Cite

Anubandh. (2017). Increasing of Urban Slum Area: A case study of Rohtak in Haryana. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(1), 210–217. Retrieved from