Review on Facial Expression Recognition Techniques


  • Rohit Dubey Infinity Management & Engineering College, Sagar M.P.
  • Asst. Prof. Hariom Soni Infinity Management & Engineering College,Sagar M.P.


— Face Expression Recognition, Feature Extraction, Automatic facial expression recognition


Face Expression Recognition (FER) has turned into an extremely nteresting and challenging area in computer vision field due to its wide application otential outcomes. Mental states Recognition, Human Computer Interaction, uman behavior understanding etc. are some of its applications,because of its wide pplication possibilities. The facial expression recognition finds major application in reas like social interaction and social intelligence. This review paper present arious techniques used in facial expression recognition like principal component nalysis (PCA), linear discriminate analysis (LDA) etc is done in this paper. The
survey is represented in tabular form for quick reference


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How to Cite

Dubey, R., & Soni, A. P. H. (2018). Review on Facial Expression Recognition Techniques. Innovative Research Thoughts, 4(3), 42–46. Retrieved from