The Role of Political Parties in Modern Democracies


  • Dr. Sunil Khosla Principal, Baba Balraj Panjab University Constituent College Balachaur. Punjab.


Political parties, Modern democracies, Political representation, Electoral competition


It has long been believed that political parties, as vital linkage between the government and the people, are the bedrock of representative democracies exploring the complex nature, roles, and responsibilities of political parties in contemporary democracies. The evolution of political parties over time and how they came to be integral parts of democratic rule delves into their main roles, such as selecting candidates, framing policies, and holding elections, highlighting their important role in bringing together and expressing different interests of the citizens, modern politics, including the changes and obstacles that political parties must overcome. It talks on how digital technology has changed party communication and structure, how populist movements have grown in power, and how are the parties becoming more polarised. The conflict that exists amongst representatives in office over party allegiance and personal ethics, a connection between stable democracies and political parties. Peaceful transitions of power and the strengthening of democratic institutions are the focus of this analysis of robust party systems. On the other side, it delves into questions of political stability and governance in contexts where party systems are weak or fractured.


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How to Cite

Dr. Sunil Khosla. (2018). The Role of Political Parties in Modern Democracies. Innovative Research Thoughts, 4(2), 304–309. Retrieved from