Depiction of lie of rural Indian family in Anita Desai novels The Village by The Sea


  • Gill N


The Village by the Sea, Anita Desai, thematic concerns


Anita Desai is a well-known post-colonial Indian English writer whose works have been well praised. As a result, she is revered as a literary icon both on and off Indian coasts for her contributions to the modern Indian English novel. It's noteworthy that she's breaking new ground in the field of fiction writing by taking a fresh look at the pressing concerns facing Indian culture today, in both rural and urban settings. Her characters' conflicts are well-captured in Desai's works, and much more fascinating is the way she scours their thoughts, allowing her to investigate the psychological subtleties of human beings. It is the goal of this research paper to analyze the book The Village by the Sea by Anita Desai, one of her most notable works. This work tells the narrative of an Indian rural family that overcomes a time of adversity to reconcile in the end owing to the endurance of the two heroic children, Hari and Lila, in a very interesting manner. The work under review examines the writer's most crucial theme: how to survive and adapt to a new environment. Desai's book, The Village by the Sea, also explores a number of other controversial problems in current Indian culture. The novel's popularity may be attributed to the liveliness of her themes and her strong focus on the complexity of human life, as well as her outstanding storytelling skills, which demonstrate her quality and distinctiveness as a novelist.


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G. (2005). “The Village by the Sea: A Critical Study”. Rama Brothers India Private Limited. New Delhi.

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How to Cite

Gill, N. (2018). Depiction of lie of rural Indian family in Anita Desai novels The Village by The Sea. Innovative Research Thoughts, 4(2), 276–280. Retrieved from