Study of Effect of training on performance and various factors affecting employee performance


  • Jaspal kaur Research Scholar, Department of Management, RIMT University Mandi Gobindgarh
  • Nidhi Aggarwal A.P. Department of Management, RIMT University Mandi Gobindgarh


Training and development, HRM


Training and development of a human being is a procedure, which is particularly connected with thinking, feeling and willing unless these three aspects do go together it is extremely hard to relish the genuine taste of them. Training and development words vary in their importance yet at the same time they can be utilized synonymously in light of the fact that training brings about development of human creatures. The lexicon importance of the word training infers: direction and teach in a specific craftsmanship, calling or in occupation. It implies training identifies with make a learner firmly controlled in interest doing his work, refreshing knowledge to stay away from obsolescence, improving proficient innovativeness. Training in the Oxford American circle word reference, suggests to instruct (a man, creature, oneself and so on) a predefined skill and mastering it through training. Along these lines training brings about learning than instructing. Subba Rao (1996) thinks about this as a procedure to educating. It causes an individual to learn and apply skill, knowledge, enhance capacity and attitude for the performance of job.


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How to Cite

kaur, J., & Aggarwal, N. (2018). Study of Effect of training on performance and various factors affecting employee performance. Innovative Research Thoughts, 4(2), 158–160. Retrieved from