Make in India: its Vision and Goal


  • Chanchal Dept. of Education


business index, Making India


In this paper, a challenging effort was made to present the new investment project of Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi that ‘Make in India’ is the new mantra and the objective was to encourage the production of goods within the country and Making India the manufacturing hub of the world economy. The aim of the project showing a pure classical economics there is going to be a demand and then there would be producers who would be incentivized to supply goods and Services to meet that demand. This paper covers issues of the make in India, sectors covered, worldwide and positive responses and some critics. However, this paper is concluded as optimistic manner that the Make in India’ economically viable? What are the challenges that the project and movement will face? What about the projects that are currently running under ‘Make in India’? Can India compete in the global market? We will try to find the answers to all of these questions in the next couple of years.


can “Make in India” make jobs? the challenges of manufacturing growth and high–quality job creation in Iindia by Russell A. Green Will Clayton fellow, International economics james a. baker iii institute for public policy Rice University, ( , 2014)

Role of HR and Financial Services in Making “Make in India” Campaign a Success by Samridhi Goyal , Prabhjot Kaur , Kawalpreet Singh, IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319- 7668. Volume 17, Issue 2.Ver. IV (Feb. 2015), PP 20-24




How to Cite

Chanchal. (2018). Make in India: its Vision and Goal. Innovative Research Thoughts, 4(2), 120–125. Retrieved from