A Study of Risk Management Systems in Banks


  • Bamel S


Risk, Management, Organisation


A major issue in establishing an appropriate risk management organisation structure is choosing between a centralised and decentralised structure. The global trend is towards centralising risk management with integrated treasury management function to benefit from information on aggregate exposure, natural netting of exposures, economies of scale and easier reporting to top management. The primary responsibility of understanding the risks run by the bank and ensuring that the risks are appropriately managed should clearly be vested with the Board of Directors. The Board should set risk limits by assessing the bank’s risk and risk bearing capacity. At organisational level, overall risk management should be assigned to an independent Risk Management Committee or Executive Committee of the top Executives that reports directly to the Board of Directors. The purpose of this top level committee is to empower one group with full responsibility of evaluating overall risks faced by the bank and determining the level of risks which will be in the best interest of the bank.


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How to Cite

Bamel, S. (2017). A Study of Risk Management Systems in Banks. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(1), 144–147. Retrieved from https://irt.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/47