Community Based Tourism in Bundelkhand Region: Potentialities and Prospects


  • Hemant Kumar Chanchal Research Scholar, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Mohammad Shoaib Khan 2Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Uttar Pradesh, India


Community based tourism, rural tourism


For the improvement of rural economies, Community-based tourism is considered to be one of the finest plans. CBT can help a community can generate various social, cultural and economic benefits. Community based tourism is used for the development of local communities. As far as tourism particularly religious tourism of Bundelkhand region is concerned, the places like Khajuraho, Orchha, Chitrakoot, Jhansi, Gwalior, are the main tourist attractions of the region where foreign tourists as well as indigenous tourists regularly visit for religious and non-religious reasons. The contribution of these destinations in local tourism economy and domestic tourist arrivals is important. Bundelkhand region has lot of cultural and natural tourism resources. However, we fail to get optimum output due to lake of proper advertising management and marketing. In this paper, Community based tourism and its benefits are discussed. As well as attitude and perception of community of Bundelkhand towards the growth of CBT is also discussed.


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How to Cite

Kumar Chanchal, H., & Shoaib Khan, M. (2017). Community Based Tourism in Bundelkhand Region: Potentialities and Prospects. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(1), 124–137. Retrieved from