Study and analysis of Gupta empire in the history of India


  • Santosh C.Gohokar History Shri Chintamani Arts and commerce college Ghuge , Maharashtra


Guptas, empire, development


The age of Guptas has been regarded as the age of all-round progress in India by all historians. Obviously, the Gupta period was the traditional time of antiquated India however we need to acknowledge its impediments moreover. The expectations for everyday comforts, which achieved their pinnacle, were constrained to privileged societies alone and, promote the style of the Gupta period was confined to northern India alone. In a steady progression, the considerable Gupta rulers gave political solidarity to a vast piece of north India for about two centuries, controlled it well and aided in the making of those conditions which prompted the development of Sanskrit dialect and writing, horticulture, exchange and trade both outside and inward, science, expressive arts and recovery of Hinduism which made their period the most wonderful time of antiquated India and gave it the title of 'Brilliant Age'.


Agarwal, Ashvini. Rise and fall of the Imperial Guptas. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. 1989 ; pp. 153 -9. ISBN 81 - 208 -0592 -5.

Bajpai KD. Indian Numismatic Studies. New Delhi: Abhinav Publications. 2004; pp. 120 -1. ISBN 81 -7017 - 035 -4.

Grousset, Rene. The Empire of the Steppes. Rutgers University Press. p. 69. ISBN 0 -8135 -1304 -9. 4. Nehra, R.K. Hinduism and Its Military Ethos. Lancer Publishers, 2010. Retrieved 2012 -08 -25.

Brannigan, Michael C. Striking a Balance: A Primer in Traditional Asian Values. Rowman & Littlefield, 2010. Retrieved 2012 -08 -25.

Sharma RS. Early Medieval Indian Society: A Study in Feudalisation. Orient Blackswan. Retrieved 2012 -06 -06.

List of Altekar's publications in the Open Library.

Agarwal, Ashvini . Rise and fall of the Imperial Guptas, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. 1989; 82 - 4 . ISBN 81 -208 - 0592 - 5

human rights in the Hindu -Buddhist tradition By Lal Deosa Rai, Page no.155

Gupta Dynasty: MSN Encarta. Archived from the original on 1, 2009.




How to Cite

C.Gohokar, S. (2017). Study and analysis of Gupta empire in the history of India. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(1), 1–4. Retrieved from