
  • Rekha Asstt.Professor of Commerce, Govt. College, Julana (Jind)


advertising, retail sector, marketing mix


In this research paper, we take a peek into the organized retail sector of India. It started making its presence felt nearly a decade after the first lot of entrepreneurs set up shop. A brief introduction and evolution shows how the organized retailing changed its gears over the period from Panwala dhukan to chain stores across the length and breadth of India. The market size and related details gives a statistical view of increasing market in a few major areas of retailing. The major market players who enlivened the present caricature of retail sector are presented briefly along with statistics. The changing scenarios of Indian consumers give a proof to the potential opportunity in the retailing arena. SWOT and its subheads take you to the crux of analysis into retail industry. Out of which we formulated the future prospects. One major lifesaver of the Indian retailing is the advertising and promotional strategies; which comes out with innovative ways to win consumers over and keep them permanently happy. FDI in retail has been contentious issue and may face resistance, given the perceived political scenario. FDI will be a defining moment for Indian retail and how government policies effect the retail industry is given briefly to the end.


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How to Cite

Rekha. (2018). ADVERTISING: IMPORTANCE IN RETAILING. Innovative Research Thoughts, 4(1), 5–8. Retrieved from