Loan waivers policy of Government and impact on Agriculture


  • Vipin Kumar Bagria Research Scholar, Department of EAFM, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur


Agriculture, Debt Relief, Government scheme


The frequently announced farm loan waivers with the ostensible reason of reducing the farm debt burden have drawn criticisms both on grounds of equity as well as their likely harmful effects on the functioning of the rural credit system. The present paper is an attempt to evaluate the biggest ever loan waiver scheme so far implemented in the country, namely, the Agricultural and Rural Debt Relief Scheme. The housed level distributional and impact analysis carried out in the Alwer district of Rajasthan reveals that the scheme besides benefiting mainly the relatively better-off households, also had a negative impact on the repayment behavior of the borrowers.


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How to Cite

Kumar Bagria, V. (2017). Loan waivers policy of Government and impact on Agriculture. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(1), 1–5. Retrieved from