Study of Sports Training & Principles


  • Nadeem Ahmed Masters In Physical Education


Training, body, health, physical, strength


Training is crucial, and it should be a regular element of all professional athletes' everyday routines. Training allows the body to gain strength and endurance over time, enhance skill levels, and increase motivation, ambition, and confidence. Athletes can improve their understanding of their sport while also learning about the necessity of maintaining a healthy mind and body through training. Regular exercise improves muscle tone, facilitates healthy circulation, enhances strength, agility, and flexibility, and improves the rate of waste product removal in terms of physical consequences. Regular training also reduces recovery time after physical activity, allowing the body to better cope with the rigours of training and making it more resistant to injury and disease. Training provides mental health benefits as well, as it promotes concentration and self-esteem.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, N. (2017). Study of Sports Training & Principles. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(11), 346–352. Retrieved from