Study of relationships between ligand binding in a metal complex a


  • Sudhir Kumar Research Scholar, Dept.of Chemistry, Magadh University, Bodh-Gaya
  • Dr.M.Z. Shahzada Associate professor, Dept. of Chemistry, K.L.S.College Nawada


relationships, ligand binding, Crystal Field Theory


The Crystal Field Theory (CFT) is a model for the bonding interaction between transition metals and ligands. It describes the effect of the attraction between the positive charge of the metal cation and negative charge on the non-bonding electrons of the ligand. When the ligands approach the central metal ion, the degeneracy of electronic orbital states, usually d or f orbitals, are broken due to the static electric field produced by a surrounding charge distribution. CFT successfully accounts for some magnetic properties, colors, and hydration energies of transition metal complexes, but it does not attempt to describe bonding.


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Van Vleck, J. (1932). "Theory of the Variations in Paramagnetic Anisotropy Among Different Salts of the Iron Group". Physical Review. 41 (2): 208–215.

Penney, William G.; Schlapp, Robert (1932). "The Influence of Crystalline Fields on the Susceptibilities of Salts of Paramagnetic Ions. I. The Rare Earths, Especially Pr and Nd". Physical Review. 41 (2): 194–207.




How to Cite

Kumar, S., & Shahzada, D. (2017). Study of relationships between ligand binding in a metal complex a. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(11), 296–300. Retrieved from