Presentation of Tughlaq by Girish Karnad


  • Sandeep Gill Research Scholar Deptt. of English, JJTU, Chudela, Jhunjhunu (Raj.)


Fabulous, Farsighted, Profile, Striking parallel


Tughlaq deals with the ambiguous stand of the idealist Sultan Muhammad Tughlaq, the well-known king in Indian history and offers “a psycho-political study of the protagonist of the play – his historicity, motives, vision and struggle to assert himself as the Sultan, as also how he takes his own downfall.” As an idealist and visionary, a rationalist and forward looking emperor Tughlaq tried to introduce his kingdom into an egalitarian society. Tughlaq began to make efforts to bring about harmony between the two communities, justice and equality for the welfare of his people.


Three plays, by Girish Karnad, Oxford University Press

Tughlaq by Tilak Dr. Raghukul, Rama Brothers India Pvt. Ltd.

Tughlaq by B.V. Karanth

Karnad Girish, Wikipaedia.




How to Cite

Gill, S. (2017). Presentation of Tughlaq by Girish Karnad. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(1), 1–3. Retrieved from