A Study of Delhi Sultanate and War Technology


  • Naveen Kumar Indian Navy
  • Harshit Dept of history distance, MDU Rohtak


Sultanate, Sayyid Dynasty, Qutbuddin Aibak


Delhi had several Sultanates from the 12th to the 15th centuries. The Delhi Sultanate was founded after Muhammad Ghori defeated the Rajput king Prithviraj II in the battle of Tarain (second battle of Tarain) in 1192 AD. Qutbuddin Aibak became sultan of Delhi after the death of Ghori in 1206, and this formed the Slave dynasty. However, the Slave dynasty was finally overturned in 1290 AD when Qutbuddin Aibak's successor was overthrown. The Delhi Sultanate saw a steady succession of dynasties rising and fall: the Slave Dynasty lasted 1206 to 1290, the Khalji Dynasty lasted 1290 to 1320, the Tughluq Dynasty lasted 1320 to 1413, and the Sayyid Dynasty lasted 1414 to 1451. Ala Ud-din Khalji was the Khalji ruler under which the Muslim kingdom reached its zenith. When Tughluq's heirs began to break up the Delhi empire into many smaller states, it became almost difficult to bring it back together again.


Habibullah A.B.M. (1945) The Foundation Of Muslim Rule In India, Muhammad Ashraf, Kashmiri Bazar, Lahore

Qureshi Ishtiaq Husain (1996) The Administration of the Sultanate Of Delhi Oriental Book Reprint Corporation, New Delhi

Nizami Khaliq Ahmad (2002) Religion & Politics In India During the Thirteenth Century, Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom

Elliot Henry Miers, Dowson John (2013) The History of India, as Told by its Own Historians: The Muhammadan Period: Volume 7 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Day Upendra Nath (1993) The Government of the Sultanate, Munshiram Monoharlal Publishers

Tripathi R. PAGE. (1959) Some aspects of Muslim Administration, Central Book Depot, Allahabad

Barani Ziauddin (2015) Tarikh-I Firoz Shahi Translated by Zilli Ishtiaq Ahmed Primus Books Delhi Page

Habib, Nizami Mohammad,Ahmad Khaliq A comprehensive History of India Vol. 5: The Delhi Sultanate (A.D. 1206-1526) Peoples Publishing House, Delhi




How to Cite

Kumar, N., & Harshit. (2017). A Study of Delhi Sultanate and War Technology. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(11), 265–267. Retrieved from https://irt.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/365