Study of Inclusive Education


  • Dr Lalit Kumar Principal, Aakash College of Education Tohana, Fatehabad.


Education, Inclusion, diversities


Education is the process of human development in desirable fashion. Education lays the path of equality and empowerment. The world is full of diversities and individual differences. When a child is born, he is born with his exclusive abilities and competence of his body and mind. Some children have remarkable talents and aptitudes, while others are average and some suffer from some scarcity. Inclusion, the practice of providing programs that include children with and without special needs in the same setting, offers the best opportunity for healthy social growth and for the proper sequential development of learning skills. A good quality education makes an individual a right thinker, an independent decision maker, skilled worker and a better citizen.


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How to Cite

Kumar, D. L. (2017). Study of Inclusive Education. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(1), 1–5. Retrieved from