Study of Rice, condition of growth and Methods of Rice Cultivation


  • Priyanka Verma Research Scholar, Mewar University, Chhitorgarh
  • Dr. Krishan Pal Assistant Professor , Department of Biosciences, SRC Muzaffarnagar UP


Cultivation, condition of growth


Rice is the most important food crop of India covering about one-fourth of the total cropped area and providing food to about half of the Indian population.
This is the staple food of the people living in the eastern and the southern parts of the country, particularly in the areas having over 150 cm annual rainfall. There are about 10,000 varieties of rice in the world out of which about 4,000 are grown in India Rice is one of the most important cereal of the world and also of india. India is the largest rice growing country in the world, cultivating in about 44.5million hectare area which is about 36percent of the world rice acreage. In india the crops being grown under a very wide range of ecological conditions. On the one extreme there are deep water rice crops


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How to Cite

Verma, P., & Pal, D. K. (2017). Study of Rice, condition of growth and Methods of Rice Cultivation. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(1), 1–8. Retrieved from