Banking products and services : A Review


  • Bamel S


Banking Products, Services


Starting with the ’90s, retails banks have faced several challenges. One of them is how to efficiently deliver their products and services to the customers. In fact, the most important challenge of a bank is how to efficiently reach the customer, with the right product or service, at the right time. Today, they can choose between branches, contact centers, ATMs, online channels, portals and web banks. Multichannel banking is, therefore, more relevant than ever. Multichannel banking is more than just offering multiple channels, but offering integrated channels, with the optimal balance of services, prices and offer across channels. Banks should have the ability to deliver the right service at the right time in the right channel. The bank should define exactly how they are going to use each channels, which services and products in which channels, how to mix and integrate the channels and how to support the channels.


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How to Cite

Bamel, S. (2017). Banking products and services : A Review. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(10), 220–225. Retrieved from