A Review of The Main Conceptions in Human Geography


  • Singh D


Decision-Making, Institutional, Interaction


According to critical sciences, people live within societies that are complex organizations created to ensure both individual, day-to-day and collective, inter-generation survival. Those organizations involve rules that must be operated if the society is to continue. People are free to interpret a society's rules in a variety of ways, as long as they do not transgress its boundaries between the acceptable and the unacceptable. In the critical approach, therefore, it is necessary to appreciate the basic rules by which a society operates in order to achieve a fundamental understanding. Its goal is to ensure that people understand the rules by which a society operates. Once people understand the rules, and then they understand the fundamentals of the society - in technical terms, they are emancipated.


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How to Cite

Singh, D. D. (2017). A Review of The Main Conceptions in Human Geography. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(10), 216–220. Retrieved from https://irt.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/297