Study of Summary of the Novel “ A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”


  • Sanjay Kumar Asstt. Prof. of English, C. R. A. College , Sonipat


Young Man, Portrait, Stephen Dedalus, pandied


This covers the childhood and adolescence of Stephen Dedalus. We see him, over the course of the novel, grow from a little boy to a young man of eighteen who has decided to leave his country for Europe, in order to be an artist.
At the start of the novel, Stephen is a young boy, probably about five-years-old. He is one of the younger students at Clongowes Wood College for boys (a Jesuit elementary school, not a “college” in the American sense). He had been pushed into an outhouse drainage ditch by a student named Wells a few days earlier, and he wakes up ill. While in the infirmary, Stephen dreams of going home for the Christmas holidays. We then see the Dedalus family at Christmas dinner, and a heated argument erupts between Stephen’s father and Dante, Stephen’s governess, about Parnell and the Catholic church. Back at school, Stephen has broken his glasses and has been excused from classwork by his teacher, Father Arnall. The prefect of studies, Father Dolan, comes into class to discipline the students, and singles out Stephen as a “lazy idle little loafer.” Stephen is pandied (his knuckles beaten with a bat) in front of the class, and feels the injustice of his punishment deeply. The other students urge him to speak to the rector of the college. He gets up the courage to do so, and the rector promises to speak to Father Dolan. Stephen is cheered by the other students.


Bowker, Gordan (2011). James Joyce: A New Biography. 18 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. p. 219. ISBN 978-0-374-17872-7.

Fargnoli & Gillespie 2006, pp. 136–137.

Fargnoli & Gillespie 2006, p. 134.

Fargnoli & Gillespie 2006, pp. 134–135.

Bulson (2006:47)

Fargnoli & Gillespie 2006, p. 155.

Read 1967, p. 2.

Johnson (2000:222)




How to Cite

Kumar, S. (2017). Study of Summary of the Novel “ A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”. Innovative Research Thoughts, 2(1), 1–4. Retrieved from