Economic Growth and Structural Change in Rajasthan


  • Devi S


economic growth, primary, tertiary


The present paper highlights the trends of economic growth in the economy of Rajasthan and discusses its relative share in national economy of India. It reviews the trends of Year-wise growth rate of GSDP, NSDP and per capita NSDP for Rajasthan state during 2007 -08 To 2015-16. It is indicative of the fact that the economy of Rajasthan has registered many ups And downs in the growth trajectory but the current decade is a period of fair stability and positive Growth The growth pattern of different sectors of the economy shows that presently, nearly one Half of NSDP (48.88 percent) is coming from the tertiary sector and rest of the half is coming From primary sector (22.52 percent) and secondary sector (28.6 percent)


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How to Cite

Devi, S. (2017). Economic Growth and Structural Change in Rajasthan. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(10), 28–33. Retrieved from