A STUDY OF R.K. NARAYAN’S traditional Indian themes in the novel ‘THE GUIDE’


  • Gill N


The Guide, Customs, Folklore, Realistic elements


R.K. Narayan, a well-known South Indian author born in Rasipuram in 1906, is from that city. Characters move on a psychological level in his works. The Guide, by R.K. Narayan, is the book's most prominent title. The film's protagonists accurately portray the socioeconomic landscape of India. When it comes to depicting Indian folklore and the rituals, blind loyalty, and religious characteristics of its people, Narayan is an excellent choice because of the way he incorporates folklore components into his books. In his writings, he depicted the difficulties faced by Indians. The author's unique perspective on India's poverty and mythology is evident throughout this work. As stated before, the primary goal of this research is to examine the novel's folk components, namely how they relate to Indian life and traditional culture. Author R. K. Narayan is now well-known within the literary community for his works on many subjects.


Narayan R.K. The Guide, Indian Thought Publications,2004.

Srivastava. Ramesh. K. Symbolism in Indian Fiction in English, ABS Publications,1997.

Naipaul V.S. India: A Wounded Civilization, Wantage Books,1977.

Mukherjee, Meenakshi: ‘Twice Born Fiction’, Arnold-Heinemann Publishers, New Delhi.

Narayan, R.K: ‘The Guide’, Indian Thought Publications, Chennai, 2011.

Iyengar, Srinivasa: ‘Indian Writings in English’, Sterling Publishers PVT Ltd. New Delhi,1994.




How to Cite

Gill, N. (2017). A STUDY OF R.K. NARAYAN’S traditional Indian themes in the novel ‘THE GUIDE’. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(9), 188–193. Retrieved from https://irt.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/252