Teaching for Excellence and Equity : A Review


  • Dr Poonam Singh Principal MDS college of education Kosli, Rewari


Teaching, effectiveness


However, although it has become customary to say that “high-quality teachers” are better are critical to “student learning”, there is no consensus on the most effective ways to improve teacher effectiveness, which has significant implications for policymakers and academics alike. Through various initiatives, education reformers have worked to increase both the size and quality of the “teacher labour force and the quality of instructional” materials are important during the past few decades, producing an enormous amount of scholarly work as a result. However, the correlations “between teacher effectiveness and student outcomes” are not very strong, whether measured in terms of mean performance or equality, are inconclusive, which has led to severe concerns regarding the most effective strategy for accomplishing policy objectives. Uncertainty in the research literature has made it hard for policymakers to figure out the best way to change the healthcare system.


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How to Cite

Singh, D. P. (2017). Teaching for Excellence and Equity : A Review. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(9), 179–182. Retrieved from https://irt.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/250