The Genre of Dark Romanticism


  • Rathee ritu


Sub genre, Irrational, Grotesque


This study is an attempt to highlight the salient features of dark romanticism, also highlighting its most eminent writers and bringing about a contrast in their writing methodology and viewpoints, with respect to other writers. Dark romanticism is a literary sub genre of romanticism, reflecting popular fascination with irrational, the demonic and grotesque. Often confused with Gothicism, it had shadows romantic movement felt its 18th century beginning. Edgar Allan Poe is the supreme exponent of this tradition. Romanticism valued emotions, beliefs as more important facts or logic and individuality comes first worshipping nature where is dark romanticism was different from them emphasising on human fallibility.


Dark romanticism: the ultimate contradiction achieved 2007 -01-28 at the way back machine

-the first English translation 1933 the Titan in its original Italian is 'Carne, La Morte e Il Diavole Nella literature Romantic' ('flash death and the devil in the romantic literature')

Thomson G.R., ed. 'Introduction Romanticism in the Gothic traditional' Gothic imagination: essays in dark romanticism Pullman, WA: Washington State University Press, 1974; p6.

Thomson, G. R., Ed.1974: p.5.

G Gerald Kennedy, Poe, ‘Death and the Life of Writing. (Yale University Press, 1987), 3

Tiffany k Wayne, 'Nathaniel Hawthorne', Encyclopaedia of Transcendentalism (New York: facts on file, Inc, 2006), 140




How to Cite

Rathee, R. (2017). The Genre of Dark Romanticism. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(9), 86–88. Retrieved from