Role and Scheme of District Rural Development Agency


  • Singh V


IRDP-Integrated Rural Development Programme, Million Wells Scheme (MWS).


Poverty alleviation through Self-employment and Wage-employment programme is the theme of rural development. It is District Rural Development Agency at the District level which oversees the implementation of different anti-poverty programme. District Rural Development Agency came into existence with effect from 1.4.1980. Previously it was known as Marginal Farmer & Agricultural Land Development Agency (MFALDA). Later on it became Small Farmer Development Agency (SFDA). These agencies were only to cater the development of Marginal Farmers and Agricultural Laborers in rural area. Now District Rural Development Agency has embraced manifold activities for up liftmen of rural poor. District Rural Development Agency has traditionally been the principal organ at the district level to oversee the implementation of anti-poverty programmers of the Ministry of Rural Development. This agency was created originally to implement the Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP). Subsequently the District Rural Development Agencies were entrusted with number of programme of both state and central governments. From 01 April 1989 a separate District Rural Development Agency Administration has been introduced to take care of the administrative costs.

References  See The state of panchayats : 2007-08 , An independent assessment, Volume I : Thematic reports P 55

P. Arjun Rao, “Organisation and Working of District Rural Development Agency-Special Reference to Khammam District in Andhra Pradesh”, Indian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. XXX No. 4, October- December (1984), pp. 1082 -1084.

K. Chakrapani and G. Vidyasagar (1992), DRDA, Nizamabad: Organisational Framework, in G.Vidya Sagar, K. Chakra Pani and K. Sateesh Reddy, Rural Development and Local Participation (eds), Anmol Publications, New Delhi, p. 132.

Governtment of India (2003), Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana – Annual Report 2002, Ministry of Rural Development, New Delhi, p.39.

Government of India, Economic Survey 2003-04, Ministry of Finance, New Delhi, p. 28.




How to Cite

singh, V. (2017). Role and Scheme of District Rural Development Agency. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(9), 79–82. Retrieved from