Concept And Role of teacher in Education for International Understanding


  • Kumar Taneja


Education, International Understanding


Meaning of International Understanding : Dr. Radhakrishnan has rightly said "It is essential for us not to live apart but to live together, understanding one another's fears and anxieties, aspirations and thought. We must work for racial harmony. we may be American, we may be Russian but we are essentially human beings. Let us learn to live in a world community."
Education for International Understanding means a cosmopolitan education which will produce a loyalty to world citizenship.
It also refers to international efforts at co-operation and harmony in the exchange of teachers and students, rehabilitation of backward cultural areas, mutual understanding through school instruction and the like.


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How to Cite

Kumar Taneja, D. A. (2017). Concept And Role of teacher in Education for International Understanding. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(1), 1–4. Retrieved from