Digital India and its Vision


  • Manoj Research Scholar Dept. of Public Administration Kurukshetra University Kurkshetra


Digital India, government policy, RTG


Digital India is the result of numerous advancements and innovative headways. These change the lives of individuals from numerous points of view and will engage the general public in a superior way. The 'Digital India' program, an activity of respectable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi, will emerge new movements in each part and creates inventive attempts for geNext. The thought process behind the idea is to construct participative, straightforward and responsive framework. The Digital India drive is a fantasy undertaking of the Indian Government to redesign India into a learned economy and carefully engaged society, with great administration for nationals by bringing synchronization also, co appointment out in the open responsibility, carefully interfacing and conveying the government projects and administrations to activate the ability of data innovation crosswise over government divisions.


Digital India, a programme to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy, Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India, available at

M.M.K Sardana(2012),” Vision of Digital india challenges ahead for political establishment DN2012/09,ISID.

Usha Rani Das, challenges of Digital India some heads –up of NarendraModi, Business insider India.

Digital India power to empower, available at

Kaur,P.and Joshi, M.M., “E-Commerce in India: A Review”, IJCST,Vol.3, Issue 1,Jan-March 2012,pp802-804

Balasubramanian, D. (2013), „Sixty years of IT in India,‟ The Hindu, February 20.

E‐governance: Reforming government through technology.




How to Cite

Manoj. (2017). Digital India and its Vision. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(8), 125–128. Retrieved from