Study of Various water quality Indices : A Review


  • Absar Yousuf Wani Department of Civil Engineering


Various, Indices


One of the most daunting prospects facing water quality scientist is how to turn often very complex water quality data into information which is understandable and usable by non-scientists e.g., managers, planners, and general public. In an attempt to convey the information content of data more simply, resets have been made to produce just one or perhaps a few numbers, which have been designed to integrate the data pool in some way. Such numbers are called indices. All indexing systems require measurements to be made for a selection of water quality determinants. From these measurements, a sub-index rating value is obtained for each determinant. These values are then aggregated to produce the final index score.


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How to Cite

Wani, A. Y. (2017). Study of Various water quality Indices : A Review. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(8), 94–100. Retrieved from