Strategy Instruction and Reading Comprehension: A Theoretical Review of Integrated Approach to Language Learning.


  • Jashanpreet Kaur Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of English and Cultural StudiesPanjab University, Chandigarh, India


Reading, Reading Research, Language Learning Strategies


In the area of language learning and teaching, instructional approaches are witnessing noticeable changes with the advent of strategy research. Over the years, scholars and researchers have engaged in the exploration and identification of strategies that assist in the successful acquisition of a language. One dominant area of research within this field has been reading research and its relationship to strategy instruction. Reading is an important component skill that enables the reader to interpret the meaning of a text. A substantial body of research has been fixated on discerning how readers manage and monitor their learning and what strategies they employ to enhance their reading performance The purpose of this paper is to document different reading strategies and practices that enhance learner proficiency. This paper discusses reading comprehension and its different models that help the reader gain a deeper understanding of the processes that occur during reading tasks. More specifically, this paper explicates the skill of reading with respect to language learning strategies, particularly metacognitive strategies. The role played by different language strategies, such as cognitive, metacognitive, and general strategies has also been discussed in great detail. In addition, this paper also gives suggestions for future research ventures.


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How to Cite

Kaur, J. (2017). Strategy Instruction and Reading Comprehension: A Theoretical Review of Integrated Approach to Language Learning. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(7), 178–184. Retrieved from