Recent Advances in Drug Delivery Systems: A review study


  • Dr Vinesh Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, LBS College of Pharmacy, Jaipur (Rajasthan), India;


Nanomedicine, Liposomes, Cyclodextrins


Drug targeting to specific organs and tissues has become one of the critical endeavors of the century since the use of free drugs in conventional dosage forms generally involves difficulties in achieving the target site at the appropriate dose after or during a proper time period. Consequently, the search for new drug delivery approaches and new modes of action represent one of the frontier research areas. New drug delivery systems include lipidic, proteic and polymeric technologies to provide new sustained drug delivery with better body distribution, drug protection from the harsh external environment and avoidance of drug clearance. Many of these technologies have reached the market therefore proving the benefits of these new carriers. This review covers the generalities of those new carriers and their new advances in drug delivery.


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A. Vogt, B. Combadiere, S. Hadam, K. M. Stieler and J. Lademann, “40 nm, but not 750 or 1500 nm, Nanoparti- cles Enter Epidermal CD1a+ Cells after Transcutaneous Application on Human Skin,” Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Vol. 126, No. 6, 2006, pp. 1316-1322. doi:10.1038/sj.jid.5700226

F. F. Larese, F. D'Agostin, M. Crosera, G. Adami and N. Renzi, “Human Skin Penetration of Silver Nanoparticles through Intact and Damaged Skin,” Toxicology, Vol. 255, No. 1-2, 2009, pp. 33-37.


H. Maeda, J. Wu, T. Sawa, Y. Matsumura and K. Hori, “Tumor Vascular Permeability and the EPR Effect in Macromolecular Therapeutics: A Review,” Journal of Controlled Release, Vol. 65, No. 1-2, 2000, pp. 271-284. doi:10.1016/S0168-3659(99)00248-5

H. Sarin, “Recent Progress towards Development of Ef- fective Systemic Chemotherapy for the Treatment of Ma- lignant Brain Tumors,” Journal of Translational Medi-cine, Vol. 7, 2009, p. 7




How to Cite

Kumar, D. V. (2017). Recent Advances in Drug Delivery Systems: A review study. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(7), 146–164. Retrieved from