Educational Aspiration is the Real Remedy for Students in Modern Era


  • Dr Lalit Kumar Principal, Aakash College of EducationTohana, Fatehabad.


Aspiration, Learning, Ecological


Educational Aspirations refer to the early impressions of one's own academic abilities and the highest level of education an individual expects to attain has also been linked to academic achievement. Today's modern society expects everyone to be a high achiever. The key criteria to judge one's true potentialities and capabilities are perhaps scholastic/academic achievement. Academic achievement has become an index of a child's future and is the resultant of various factors like personal, social, economic and other environmental factors. Educational aspirations are found to be strongly related to their perceptions off parental support, parent's aspirations and their own early attitudes to school experience. Parental education and resources at home have an influence on aspirations.


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How to Cite

Kumar, D. L. (2017). Educational Aspiration is the Real Remedy for Students in Modern Era. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(7), 57–61. Retrieved from