Challenges in Elementary Education in India: Various Efforts Made For Universalization of Elementary Education


  • Savita


Education, its achievement.


Education is a vital means for the potentialities of a human being to emerge in a positive
direction so that a man can live in society with full of dignity and can mould the habits,
tastes and character of individuals living in society by imparting knowledge and
information. Therefore, in a democratic country like ours the government has felt the
needs and importance of education and has an onerous responsibility to implement plans
and programmes for democratization of education in the country. Now, education is
constitutionally recognized as a birth right of the citizens of the country. So, to make
education accessible to all has been a mission of the government and many targets like the Millennium Development
Goal by 2015, India Vision by 2020, have been identified including that of Inclusive Growth by the government. It is
appropriate for us now to assess and evaluate the progress and the prospect of the approaches which are being
implemented for ensuring the universalization of elementary education in India.


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How to Cite

Savita. (2017). Challenges in Elementary Education in India: Various Efforts Made For Universalization of Elementary Education. Innovative Research Thoughts, 3(7), 1–8. Retrieved from